Having served as an interim member of the Board for the past few months, I am honored to be nominated to continue this service.
I left my church of origin many years ago. I strongly felt my own connection with God but yearned for spiritual community. One day in 2011, a friend posed the question, “What does your God look like?” I went home and began writing. Contemplating, praying, and sometimes weeping, I filled four pages front and back. A few days later I was browsing a Natural Awakenings magazine, and a tiny ad for Unity Church in the Pines, West Palm Beach, FL seemed to jump off the page. It was close to my home, and I decided to attend the next service, and the next, and the next, and had found my home. I arrived at my Unity of Charlotte home in 2019.
I am blessed with five children and nine grandchildren.
In the 1980’s and 90’s, when the children were young I worked alongside my husband managing his growing land surveying business in Palm Beach County, Florida.
For 35 years I worked as a registered nurse, with advanced certifications in hospice, and palliative care.