Anticipating Christmas: A new idea is coming.
It’s fun to watch little children, grandparents, and even exhausted parents anticipate the idea of Christmas. The level of excitement reaches new levels. Scripture says that the marriage feast (celebration) is waiting. The gates stand wide open to welcome the glory of the arrival of the bride and groom. Christmas is certainly a time of anticipation.
Rejoice to let new light appear
Evening advancing, dark night is near
Something arising and soon drawing near
Get ready to wrestle, midnight it comes clear.
Keep intentional watch on the mountain
Proclaim an idea approaching and near
Be ready for a 2-stage arrival
Happy Hosanna, my vision became clear.
All hearts are open; all desires are known. There needs to be no secrets. Our head is cleansed by the thoughts of our hearts and by the inspiration of our spirit. We may perfectly love and worthily magnify the newly arriving idea we have been anticipating. We stir up our power and prepare the way for the coming strength or our purified lives. We feel we will live and reign—now and forever. We can feel the approach of a new idea even while we are out in a wilderness.
We prepare the way. We make straight in the desert a highway for ourselves. Every valley is lifted; every mountain shines for us. The uneven ground becomes level and the rough places in our lives are made smooth. The glory of our thoughts is revealed and all people will see that our thoughts can stand forever.
Your best new idea comes humbly, riding on a small donkey not a war horse from history. The battles within are cut off. There is peace in the nations (departments of our life) from sea to sea and from the flowing river to the ends of the earth.
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad. The dry desert of thoughts shall abundantly blossom. There will be joy, rejoicing and singing in the land of your mind. Total wholeness shall be given to all so they may have the majesty of strengthen in weak hands and have firmness in feeble knees. Those who were lame shall leap like a deer and the tongue of the speechless will sing for joy. The power of the most high will overshadow you and you will have a bright new idea. You will say, “Here I am, give to me according to my thinking.”
When the new idea first comes to you, it may not be completely formed. The idea may not be worthy of stooping down to loosen your sandal straps. However, when fully formed the heavens can tear open and the spirit descending like a dove and a voice heard from a higher realm.
You may be well pleased this new idea. Then what? It may drive you out into the wilderness for 40 days. You may reside with wild beasts but we will wait for you. Go where you will and proclaim “Good news the time to act has arrived.”
These ideas are gathered from the following scriptures: Isaiah 40, Jeremiah 23, Haggai 2, Isaiah 35, Luke 1, and Mark 1, and curated for a modernized language understanding and easier application.