from The Daily Word for December 30, 2024, Let Go, Let God.
“As this year draws to an end, I prepare for the new year by letting go of what has been and releasing expectations about what will be.”
Consider what Julia Roberts once said, “When people leave you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean they’re bad people. It just means their role in your story is completed.”
These words remind us of a truth we often forget—that not everyone who comes into our lives is meant to stay forever. People come into our lives at different seasons and for different reasons, to teach us lessons, share experiences, or just to walk with us for a while. But when they leave, it’s important to recognize that their role in our journey has been fulfilled, and our paths may now diverge.
Holding on to those who are meant to leave, only delays your growth and prevents you from moving into the fullness of your own destiny. Sometimes, their departure makes way for new opportunities, deeper connections, and discovering new aspects of yourself.
Every encounter has value, shaping who you are and helping you grow. But when someone leaves, it is a sign that your journey is no longer aligned. Their departure does not make them a negative character in your life story, but simply someone whose role has come to a natural end.
When you free yourself from the weight of those who have left, you create space for the people who are meant to stay, to enter and to enrich your life in meaningful ways. "Letting go" is not an act of giving up; it is an act of accepting renunciation and embracing the flow of life, understanding that not everyone is meant to accompany you to every destination.
Renunciation is the act of formally giving up something. It can involve a voluntary decision to relinquish a particular status, title, or material possession, often for moral, ethical, or spiritual reasons. “Renunciation is not giving up the things of the world but accepting that they go away.”—Shunryu Suzuki, (teacher of children, to play the violin).
Elimination refers to the process of removing or getting rid of something. Ablution refers to the act of washing oneself. “When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood,’ he said. ‘It is your responsibility!’” Matthew 27:24.
Remember, your destiny belongs to you. No one can take it from you, and no one else can walk the path that you have laid. So, when someone leaves, trust that it is for everyone’s highest good. They were part of your story, but now it is for you to write new chapters for yourself. Your story will hold greater promise in your future.
“Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18.
Prepare for the New Year...
Newly cleansed, we stand,
Divine whispers show a path,
New beginnings dawn.