
Womans finger petting relaxed gray cat under the chin

Some Common Traits of People Who Are Genuinely Kind.

Kindness is free and it is usually very welcome. Truly authentic kindness is rare. Here are some signs that you are a genuinely kind human being and some good reasons to give your kindness away.

You Are a Good Listener
“Many people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply,” says Stephen R. Covey. They seem think that simply “waiting to talk” is kindness. One of the most basic human needs is the need to be heard, seen and understood. Carefully look at others with the intent to bless and hear them. Truly kind people understand the need to receive kindness and they listen to other people completely, without judgment or the need to constantly chime in with quick answers.

You Are Considerate with Others’ Words and Behavior
Genuinely kind people make sure to consider other people before they act. They choose to be intentional. Deferring to others may seem like a waste of time, but it is easy to do with mindfulness and nothing is lost. Pub theology teaches this.

You Respect Others’ Feelings
Taking other people’s perspectives into account, even when they don’t play into your perspective, is a genuinely kind act. Often, when someone’s feelings about something are different with how we see the world or a situation, it is easy to wish to dismiss them. Kind people accept that someone’s feelings are what they are and choose to respect them. One possible trap is believing that you are smarter than others—this can be dumb [grin].

You Accept People for Who They Are
“You can work to accept everybody because they’re alive and human,” said Albert Ellis. Kind people accept people as they are, choosing to love the good and to not shame the less-than-great. Kind people gently invite everyone to grow at their own pace.

You Forgive People for Their Mistakes
It takes a strong person to forgive. Forgiveness is not a one-time act; it’s a constant choice. Kind people forgive without any agenda; without holding it over the person or bringing it back up—in a future “discussion”.

You Give Without Expecting Anything in Return
Generosity is a virtue of kind people. They give without thinking about what they will get in return. Not all gifts are monetary or physical. Gifts can include spending time with someone or giving a listening ear. There are those who do not burden others with their current dramas.

You Give Praise
“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put appreciation into words is all that is necessary,” says Margaret Cousins. It’s easy to think people know how we feel about them and that we appreciate what they do for us. Kind people take the extra step of making sure people know when they are appreciated or when they do a good job.

You are Humble
Humility doesn’t mean a lack of confidence; it means that you aren’t always the first person on your mind. Humble people can have pride in themselves, but they are subtle and quiet about it. Pride can be as loud and artificial as some advertising, but humility is quiet, constant and genuine.
