Rev. Lisa Herklotz

Rev. Lisa Herklotz is the Co-Minister at Unity of Charlotte together with her husband Rev. Jim. She completed her ministerial training at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute in 2021, graduating with a Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree and becoming an ordained Unity Minister. After completing her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Texas A&M, she worked for over 20 years in Fortune 500 companies as well as spending 15 years living in a spiritual community dedicated to the transformative works of A Course In Miracles. After years of exploring and experiencing spiritual practices from a variety of faith traditions, Rev. Lisa found at Unity a community which resonated with her soul and spirit.

More recently she has worked as consultant and guest speaker for several Unity churches in the Minneapolis area and served on the board of the Unity Great Lakes Region. Since moving to North Carolina, she is actively engaged with the Mecklenberg Metropolitan Interfaith Network in Charlotte. She, along with her husband, Rev Jim, are excited to be engaged in the evolutionary spiritual growth at Unity of Charlotte, the local community, and within our world.