The Revealing Word 1.0

The logo design on the book gold on navy blue

by Unity Co-founder Charles Fillmore

The Revealing Word is a dictionary of terms used by Unity. (These entries have been curated for length and modern terminology.)

Abide: To continue in a fixed thought of God, the All-Good; to dwell in the Christ consciousness.

Belief: An acceptance of an idea as true. Belief is closely related to faith. Belief functions both consciously and subconsciously. Many individual beliefs are very active below the conscious level.

Cheerfulness: A quiet, beautiful expression of the joy of God. It is conducive to good health because it frees one from tension.

Dawn: Spiritual perception as a dawning light in consciousness, increasing as one turned steadily toward Truth.

Enthusiasm: Ardent zeal, interest, fervor. Divine inspiration or possession. It is a powerful expression of a living interest—active and vital. Thought, and therefore feelings, that evoke a mental thrill that spurs one to action in a desired direction.

Garden: The spiritual body in which a human dwells when bringing forth thoughts after the pattern of original divine ideas. The garden is the substance of God.

Idea: Original, primary or unlimited thought of Being; in God-Mind the eternal Word or Logos. The first of everything in the universe is an idea in Divine Mind. Everything is first an idea in mind, and this law holds in all the forms that are made.

Judgment: Mental act of evaluation through comparison or contrast. Spiritual discernment; the inner voice through whose expression we come into a larger realization of ourselves.

Knowing: There is a knowing capacity transcending intellectual knowledge. Nearly everyone has at some time touched this hidden wisdom and has been more or less astonished at its revelation. The knowing that we receive from direct fusion of the Mind of God is real spiritual knowing.

Light: The understanding principle in mind. In divine order it always comes first into consciousness. Light is a symbol of wisdom as expressed in awe of Truth in all its aspects.

New Birth: The realization of one's spiritual identity, with the fullness of power that follows. The “new birth” is the coming into a higher state of being that is alive to the fact that humans are like God and are one with God.

Omnipotence: Infinite unlimited power. God is all the power there is. All powerful, absolutely everywhere.

Quietness: When the mind is stilled, when all the clamor of the external world is silenced, one experiences the quietness of God.

Relaxation: A letting go of tenseness in mind and body. Loosening the tight mental grip we have on ourselves in order that the healing Christ life may flow freely through our being.

Wholeness: True healing means to make whole; the perfect unification and expression of Spirit, soul and body. Spirit is made manifest as perfect wholeness through the illumined mind. It is brought about by regeneration.

Expectation: Anticipation of divine good. Looking about for the wondrous benefits God has prepared for us. In every person there's that which causes hope and to expect that which is good and true. This very expectation helps the good to become active.

Zeal: Intensity, ardor, enthusiasm; the inward fire of the soul that urges everyone onward, regardless of the intellectual mind of caution and conservatism. 
